
Last Updated: January 2020

This is a work-in-progress page that reflects books that have contributed to how I work, think, and live. I liked the idea of a ‘career bibliography’ and my intention is to evolve and expand this page over time to become more robust.

As I reflected on this further, this page will also act as my 100-book bookshelf. I have an artificial filter of wanting to own only 100 books. With that limitation, which would make the cut?

This list contains the books I own hard copies of and want to keep as part of the 100. My hope is to continually prune this list.

The 100-Book Shelf

(d) = digital copy

  1. Leonardo Da Vinci
  2. The Nature of Value
  3. The Knowledge-Creating Company
  4. Poor Charlie’s Almanack
  5. Web Analytics 2.0
  6. Atmamun
  7. Shop class as Soulcraft
  8. Pachinko
  9. Colourless Tsukuru Tazaki
  10. Enon
  11. Sapiens
  12. Trick Mirror
  13. Language in thought and action
  14. Pitch Perfect
  15. Tribe of Mentors
  16. Seeking Wisdom
  17. Managing the Design Factory
  18. Godel Escher Bach
  19. What I Talk About When I Talk About Running
  20. Meditations
  21. To Pixar and Beyond
  22. Men Without Women
  23. If on a winter’s night a traveler…
  24. The Art of Failure
  25. Haruki Murakami Goes to Meet Hayao Kawai
  26. The Art of the Good Life
  27. Born to Run
  28. Masters of Doom
  29. After Dark
  30. Norwegian Wood
  31. How to Grow Old
  32. Tools of Titans
  33. Killing Commendatore
  34. On the Shortness of Life
  35. The Lessons of History
  36. The Lean Startup
  37. I Will Teach You To Be Rich
  38. South of the Border, West of the Sun
  39. Principles
  40. Siddhartha
  41. Zero to One
  42. Simple Wealth, Inevitable Wealth
  43. Wind/Pinball
  44. The Courage to be Disliked
  45. Nudge (to be donated)
  46. Thinking Fast and Slow
  47. Strategy and the Fat Smoker
  48. Managing the Professional Services Firm
  49. Working
  50. Confessions of an Advertising Man
  51. 1Q84
  52. Arithmetic
  53. Peak (d)
  54. Range (d)
  55. Deep Work (d)
  56. Art of Learning
  57. Breaking Smart
  58. Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
  59. Spelunky
  60. Worry-Free Money