
  • Something I’ve learned recently: A commonly missed implication of incremental improvements are inflection points. These are most obviously seen in hindsight and very hard to identify while you’re in them, especially if you’re on the sidelines and not on the ground level building things. At a certain point along the trajectory of technology becoming better,…

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  • Most of this thinking is not my own. I’ve spent the last few months living in e-commerce with my team at Versett (Omid & Betty) and more recently had thoughts triggered by recent posts from Elena Burger and Web Smith of 2PM. The question at hand: Is DTC the future of retail? Let’s start by…

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  • Having spent a lot of time reading about growth loops, Reforge, and complexity theory, I wanted to explore the possibility that everything is a loop. There has been an emergence of loops as a topic in the product/growth/tech discourse over the last few years. As our understanding of digital products matures, we can analyze and…

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  • Surviving in the new digital economy has required a new set of tools. As companies—equipped with more data and more powerful tools—become smarter, staying competitive is more challenging. Companies need to be aware of how they fit into their competitive arena and evolving to keep up. There are a variety of frameworks that have emerged…

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