• I recently joined a food safety startup, Provision Analytics, and have been using writing to document and clarify my own understanding. This is based on an internal document I prepared to share with the product team. One of the things you don’t really think to ask until you get food poisoning or you work in…

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  • I’m sitting here tinkering on a few different projects: chatting with an artist for a small puzzle game, trying to get Replit Agent to build something, and even playing around with Genmoji on my iPhone. Even though I’m using them differently, they made me realize how important it is to clearly communicate for what you…

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  • When I started researching infertility, I kept getting fertility and infertility mixed up. It seems straightforward but there’s an important distinction so let’s get some basic terminology out of the way. Fertility is your ability to conceive a child. And so logically, infertility is your inability to do so. Based on how infertility is measured by the WHO, you’re not considered infertile until you’ve…

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  • Infertility is a growing problem facing over 1 in 6 couples. What can we do to tackle this issue?

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  • The highest value skill you can develop is agency. Agency is your capacity to get something done. It doesn’t matter what the task is, high-agency individuals will find a way. They are creative, resourceful, relentless, and imaginative. Agency needs optimism. You need to believe that whatever you want is possible and there is a way…

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  • This is half journal entry half blog post. It’s hard to believe we are ten days into January already. It doesn’t feel like a lot, but I’m in a race against the clock right now. In just over 10 weeks, I’m going to be a dad. There are a few things I want to try…

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  • Have you ever read something that squashes and stretches your mind, forcing it to work and grow in ways you weren’t expecting? Not every book is capable of this, but when you find it you want more. It’s a bit like a mental workout and when you’re used to cruising through most books, it’s a…

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  • Everything is a remix is a phrase that has always annoyed me. As someone in pursuit of originality (to a debilitating degree), I felt like this couldn’t be true. If everything was a remix, then how did the first of anything come to be? When I was researching the brain for my article about BCIs,…

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  • If you could read my mind loveWhat a tale my thoughts would tell Imagine being able to know what someone was thinking without them having to say anything. Better yet, what if you could respond to them without having to use any words, just thoughts? Telepathy is a common trope in fantasy and science fiction…

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  • Albert Wenger described attention as time plus intentionality. Three months ago I started the next stage of my career, ensuring students are spending their time with intention, on important problems, from a young age. “Teenagers these days are just built differently” I told my friend after an interview I had for a new role. We…

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